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Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 6.1.1 with src/main/config/checkstyle.xml ruleset. rss feed


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
5 0 7 0


Category Rule Violations Severity
metrics ClassDataAbstractionCoupling 1  Warning
ClassFanOutComplexity 1  Warning
CyclomaticComplexity 3  Warning
JavaNCSS 1  Warning
NPathComplexity 1  Warning



Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning metrics ClassDataAbstractionCoupling Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 27 (max allowed is 7) classes [Adapter, AspectAdapter, AttributeAdapter, AttributeGroupAdapter, AttributeGroupUsageAdapter, AttributeListDefinitionAdapter, ClassAdapter, ConfigurationAreaAdapter, ConfigurationAuthorityAdapter, ConfigurationObjectAdapter, ConstantAdapter, DavApplicationAdapter, DoubleAttributeTypeAdapter, DynamicObjectAdapter, DynamicObjectTypeAdapter, IntegerAttributeTypeAdapter, IntegerValueRangeAdapter, IntegerValueStateAdapter, ListAdapter, ObjectSetAdapter, ObjectSetTypeAdapter, ObjectSetUseAdapter, ReferenceAttributeTypeAdapter, StringAttributeTypeAdapter, SystemObjectAdapter, SystemObjectTypeAdapter, TimeAttributeTypeAdapter]. 114
 Warning metrics ClassFanOutComplexity Class Fan-Out Complexity is 51 (max allowed is 20). 114
 Warning metrics CyclomaticComplexity Cyclomatic Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 10). 122
 Warning metrics JavaNCSS NCSS for this method is 56 (max allowed is 50). 122
 Warning metrics NPathComplexity NPath Complexity is 134,217,728 (max allowed is 200). 122
 Warning metrics CyclomaticComplexity Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). 294
 Warning metrics CyclomaticComplexity Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). 687