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Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
de.bsvrz.dav de.bsvrz.dav.daf 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.puk de.bsvrz.puk.config 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.application 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.commandLineArgs 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.communicationStreams 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.dataSerializer 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.debug 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.concurrent 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.crypt 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.filelock 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.hexdump 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.operatingMessage 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.timeout 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt
de.bsvrz.sys de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.xmlSupport 3.6.5 jar LICENSE.txt

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree


GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2.0: Kappich KonfigurationsBrowser, PuK Konfiguration

GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 2.1: DaV Datenverteiler-Applikationsfunktionen, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Application, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Command Line Args, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Communication Streams, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Concurrent, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Crypt, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Data Serializer, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Debug, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Filelock, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Hexdump, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Operating Message, Sys Funktionsbibliothek Timeout, Sys Funktionsbibliothek XML Support

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
de.bsvrz.dav.daf-3.6.5.jar 1.03 MB 680 634 32 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.puk.config-3.6.5.jar 753.18 kB 338 300 21 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.application-3.6.5.jar 186.05 kB 38 25 1 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.commandLineArgs-3.6.5.jar 18.70 kB 20 8 1 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.communicationStreams-3.6.5.jar 3.44 kB 13 1 1 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.concurrent-3.6.5.jar 13.59 kB 23 11 1 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.crypt-3.6.5.jar 9.01 kB 23 8 4 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.dataSerializer-3.6.5.jar 3.37 kB 13 1 1 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.debug-3.6.5.jar 31.43 kB 29 14 2 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.filelock-3.6.5.jar 4.16 kB 14 2 1 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.hexdump-3.6.5.jar 8.02 kB 18 6 1 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.operatingMessage-3.6.5.jar 13.92 kB 20 8 1 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.timeout-3.6.5.jar 4.18 kB 14 2 1 1.6 Yes
de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.xmlSupport-3.6.5.jar 23.25 kB 30 17 2 1.6 Yes
Total Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
14 2.10 MB 1273 1037 70 1.6 14
compile: 14 compile: 2.10 MB compile: 1273 compile: 1037 compile: 70 - compile: 14

Dependency Repository Locations

Repo ID URL Release Snapshot
central Yes No

Repository locations for each of the Dependencies.

Artifact central
de.bsvrz.dav:de.bsvrz.dav.daf:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.puk:de.bsvrz.puk.config:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.application:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.commandLineArgs:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.communicationStreams:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.concurrent:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.crypt:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.dataSerializer:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.debug:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.filelock:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.hexdump:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.operatingMessage:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.timeout:jar:3.6.5 -
de.bsvrz.sys:de.bsvrz.sys.funclib.xmlSupport:jar:3.6.5 -
Total central
14 (compile: 14) 0